At times, what we want might seem impossible. When we do gather the hutzbah to reach for it, people around us can say, “I always knew you could do it”. We are often times the last to see our self in a new way.
My daughter said the other day (she’s eleven), “when my teacher said I am a strong leader, it made me wonder what would happen if I wasn’t that. So I stopped leading, until my friends called me back. And now I am in the middle, sometime leading, sometime following, depending on how I feel.” This is exactly how horse herds work; the leader is whomever has the right skills and energy in the moment, for what is required. Every horse is a leader.
How liberating, to try different ways of being, and know none can contain all of who we are!
What is possible if I am all and any way, as best embodies my values, my hopes, my dreams, at this time?
I’ve been playing with this for my self about snakes ever since I moved to the country. Terrified of them because my mother was terrified, I knew they were here first, so I would need to get along. How gentle life can be, as I declared I would befriend snakes. Rather than running out to pet one, I simply opened my self to the possibility of being friends with them. The first snake I saw was bright emerald green, my favourite colour, and she moved slowly and stayed at a distance across our garden. I was able to stand and watch, and admire her colour. I never saw her again. Then I saw two baby snake skins in our hay bales, snuggled side by side, as infants. Now I walk through our fields asking life to be gentle about introducing me to snakes and so far, so good. I am nervous still, not rushing to hold, yet I love them and appreciate their company here.
Life is too short to be contained by old stories of self. We can choose to be any and all ways, in every moment. Life is getting enormously exciting, as I choose new ways of being. I hope you will try it. Reach me if you want support to explore.
With love,